Anyway, back to the noise issue with the Canon 50D. Simone, like many others, is experiencing serious noise issues, while I am not. Have a look at the following forums to see some lively discussions.
There seems to be a few opinions to explain the noise, but one thing seems clear - you’re either experiencing noise, or you’re not – there doesn’t seem to be a middle ground. Are there faulty batches? Is there a patch that can solve the issue? Are Canon aware of the problem and what are they doing to keep their Canon fans happy?
I’ve done my own little experiment and have included the results below. Please judge for yourself, and feel free to leave a comment letting me know how you’re going with your Canon 50D camera.
Umina Rocks early overcast evening ISO 100
Umina Rocks early overcast evening ISO 250

Umina Rocks early overcast evening ISO 400
100% ISO 100
100% ISO 200
100% ISO 400
I didn't bother with experimenting with higher ISO's in this instance. No noise reduction, whether in-camera or during editing, has been used.
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