Friday 27 July 2012

Week 30 ~ Something Funny

 Week 30 ~ Something Funny

Indeed. Something funny is definitely going on in the reality TV and modelling world. Why, you ask? Well, it seems that no one, but no one is willing to give the talented and gorgeous Ivana B. Downwright-Glamma a chance. She has sent out millions and millions of copies of her head shots to ALL of the agencies and to ALL of the reality TV production houses around the world (yes; yes she has...) and has not received one single reply. No. Not one. And I think you can see from her portrait shots I've included here, each image is a winner. To be honest, I don't understand it. I've seen a smattering of reality TV. I've seen the adverts for the Kardashians, for Jersey Shore, for that Essex mob and I've even seen tweets about The Shire, and Ivana B. can offer so much more. Viewing tastes have changed, they are less sophisticated than they once were. Perhaps that is the problem. Perhaps Ivana B.'s days of being in the spotlight were over before they even began. Not all is lost though, she is still a favourite at the Doomsbury Retirement Home for the Photogenically Challenged where she gives up her time sharing hair and make-up techniques with those who lack the skills and finesse that she so clearly has by the bucket-load. *

* Ummm...none of this is one little bit true.


Jammie Lopez said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! LOVE THIS!!!! I think I am your biggest fan Adriana!! :)

Unknown said...

Well Jammie, I'm just telling it like it is ;) LOL!!!

Gregoryno6 said...

Oh, er, whatta, um, well, yeah, bab-babeee, whoa, gee...

Unknown said...

I know Mr no.6! What a scoop I got, shooting such a talent! I can't tell you how lucky I am to have such models at my disposal ;)

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